Attendance and Holidays


Parents are requested to telephone the school on the first morning of absence.  If no contact is received, the Headteacher will endeavour to contact the parents by telephone on the first morning of absence.

All absences from school must be explained by a note from the parent/carer.  The Headteacher will then decide whether to authorise the absence or not.

Absences from school will be authorised for the following reasons:

  • Sickness
  • Unavoidable dental/medical appointments
  • Exceptional family circumstances such as bereavement
  • Days of religious observation

Absence from school will not be authorised for the following reasons:

  • Shopping
  • Haircuts
  • Missed bus
  • Oversleeping
  • Lack of uniform
  • Birthdays

N.B. All medical/dental appointments should be made outside of school hours as far as possible.

An explanation is required for every absence.  If one is not forthcoming the absence will be treated as unauthorised.

Family holidays during term time

In law, parents have to apply for permission in advance to withdraw pupils from school for a holiday.

All requests for holiday leave must be in writing.  The appropriate forms are available from the Headteacher via the school office.  The Headteacher and Governors will only agree to a holiday in any one school year in exceptional circumstances.

Where parents/carers fail to apply for permission, the time taken will be treated as unauthorised absence from school.