Parental Information
Parental Responsibility
It is important that your child feels confident about coming to school. We seek an effective partnership with all our families and we value your help in the following ways:
- Coming to school on time both at the beginning and end of the day.
- Getting to know your child’s teacher so that you can share in their achievements and concerns.
- Attend all appointments to discuss your child’s progress.
- Reading at home with your child.
- Ensuring that homework is completed and returned to school.
- Reading all communication from school, responding to letters and emails and returning forms that your child brings home.
- Keeping us informed of any changes to circumstances which may affect your child at school.
- Taking your child to Mass and visiting Church
- Praying together and talking about the Gospels at home
Records show that effective partnerships with families are reflected in a more successful performance by children at school.
The school has issued a ‘Home/School Contract’ which outlines various expectations and responsibilities. Copies are available from the school.
Parental Concerns/Complaints Procedure
If you have any concerns, you are encouraged to raise them initially with you child’s class teacher or with the Headteacher who will be able to discuss them either there and then, or at a mutually agreed time.
The Local Education Authority, in accordance with the requirement of the Secretary of State, under Section 23 of the 1988 Education Reform Act, has established a procedure to consider complaints concerning the way schools’ Governing Bodies and the Education Authorities act in relation to the school’s curriculum and other related matters. This procedure is outlined in a document in Welsh and English, which is available from the Education Authority.
It is emphasised, however, that many complaints can be dealt with quickly and effectively by informal consideration based on discussions with the Headteacher. This is the first reasonable step, and the Governing Body would expect that this step would have been completed before presenting the complaint formally in exceptional cases.
An appointment can be made to discuss any complaint with the Headteacher by contacting the school.
Appointments to discuss pupil progress.
Appointments can be made at any time if you wish to discuss any elements of your child’s schooling. Appointments to discuss each child’s progress take place each term when families will have the opportunity to talk to their class teachers. During the Autumn term we discuss how your child has settled in to the new school year. In Spring we share books and discuss progress and attainment in the Summer term, families can make an appointment to reflect on the year and discuss their child’s end of year report.